
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale


Tuesday 7 September 2021 20:00

Annual General Meeting. Pioneer club, Stonelow Rd.

Similar to many voluntary organisations Dronfield Camra relies on the involvement of its members to be able to function as a successful branch and nominations are invited for not only key positions on the committee but also important non-committee roles. If you are interested in taking up an active role within the branch, submitting a nomination or for more details concerning branch roles please contact ku.oc.liamtoh@65bretep or contact any of the current committee members via the website https://dronfield.camra.org.uk/viewnode.php?id=96326

All roles are open for nominations.
Detail on branch roles can be found here: https://camra.org.uk/volunteers-area/branch-resources/branch-information/branch-structure/